W dziale tym zamieszczamy aktualności z życia przedsiębiorstwa, projekty produktów oraz aktualne wydarzenia.
Congratulations to MA 48 Vienna!
We are delighted to have presented the 2024 Innovation and Circular Economy Award to Vienna’s Municipal Department MA 48. This honour recognises their outstanding achievements in the fields of innovation and sustainable circular economy.
Through pioneering solutions, optimised recycling containers and environmentally friendly processing techniques, MA 48 plays a crucial role in conserving resources and promoting environmental protection. Their innovative approaches to waste separation and recyclability are setting new standards in the waste management sector, demonstrating impressively how circular economy principles can be successfully put into practice.
We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations on this outstanding achievement and sincerely thank MA 48 for their invaluable contribution to a more sustainable future!

ALC Award in the category of Medium-Sized Enterprise.
We are delighted to announce that we have once again received the ALC Award in the category of Medium-Sized Enterprise. This achievement is not only a testament to the dedication and outstanding performance of our team, but also to the strong partnerships we have built over the years.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to our customers and partners, who have trusted and supported us on this journey. Together, we can achieve great things!
A special congratulations to our new CEO, Georg Schnaubelt, who proudly accepted the award.
In the photo, from left to right: Deputy Governor Martin Gruber, Georg Schnaubelt (Managing Director of Europlast), Claudia Kogler (Sales Manager Austria/South Tyrol), Mario Guggenbichler (Sales Director & International Sales Manager) and Martina Preissecker (PPE Manager).

Federal Minister Polaschek visits Europlast in Upper Carinthia.
Last Friday, Federal Minister Martin Polaschek, Member of National Council Gabriel Obernosterer, and Member of Parliament Michael Maier visited Europlast in Dellach im Drautal. During their tour, they admired the modern production facilities and the new injection moulding system currently being installed. “Research, technology, and innovation are decisive location factors and the basis of our prosperity. Europlast is a pioneer in innovation and an important employer in the Drautal and Carinthia”, says Polaschek. “The continuous investment in state-of-the-art technologies and sustainable solutions at Europlast strengthens the regional economy and the competitiveness of the entire country. The expansion of photovoltaic capacity shows how Europlast is taking responsibility for the environment”, says Maier.

Safe transport, carefree traffic: Europlast sets new standards with ADR-approved boxes.
From February 2024, Europlast has been offering special ADR-certified boxes with UN approval and labelling for the safe transport of hazardous goods in accordance with the new EU Battery Regulation. This regulation lays down strict rules for the recycling and disposal of batteries as well as for the safe transport of goods in order to avoid endangering others and prevent environmental damage. Manufacturers and retailers must set up take-back systems and provide up-to-date information on correct disposal. With its boxes, Europlast provides a cost-effective and safe solution for transport in accordance with the new regulations. The ADR-certified boxes of Europlast are made from high-quality HDPE material and offer a robust and regulation-compliant transport solution in combination with a lid and lashing straps for secure fastening during transport. The boxes are available in various sizes and designs and can be customised with corresponding UN embossing. Safety and reliability take centre stage in order to meet the requirements of the new battery regulation. With Europlast, companies can ensure that they comply with the new guidelines for the safe transport and storage of dangerous goods, especially batteries.

Sustainable waste management in Lower Austria – 2024 “Skarabäus” award ceremony
At the prestigious 2024 “Skarabäus” Lower Austrian Waste Management Award, the Waste and Resource Management Division of the Lower Austrian Economic Chamber honoured outstanding ideas and projects that contribute to the sustainable development of waste management in Lower Austria for the third time at a joint event held by the state of Lower Austria and the association “die NÖ Umweltverbände”. This year’s award, which set a new record with 46 entries, was all about the circular economy. In addition to a trophy and certificate, the winners in each of the four categories also received prize money of €1,500 (1st place), €1,000 (2nd place), and €500 (3rd place). EUROPLAST CEO Georg Schnaubelt is delighted to have made a contribution to this important competition as a sponsor and would like to congratulate all the winners. Thanks to the support of many companies, outstanding joint projects that sustainably advance waste management in Lower Austria can be honoured.
To the article: “Skarabäus” honours pioneering initiatives
To the article: The winners of the 2024 “Skarabäus”

EUROPLAST i BIOLOGIC: Zrównoważona współpraca na rzecz czystej przyszłości!
Mamy przyjemność ogłosić ekscytujące partnerstwo! Europlast, lider w branży pojemników plastikowych, nawiązuje współpracę z Biologic Bio-Filter Lids, aby zaoferować innowacyjne rozwiązania w zakresie gospodarki odpadami. Biologic dostarcza pokrywy biofiltrów, a w połączeniu z wytrzymałymi kadłubami Europlast oferujemy kompletne rozwiązanie do usuwania odpadów BIO. Nasza seria pojemników "Hercules" doskonale nadaje się do zbiórki odpadów organicznych, dzięki stabilnej grubości ścianek i maksymalnej masie wypełnienia, które spełniają wymagania. W Niemczech i Austrii prowadzimy obecnie wspólną dystrybucję naszych wysokiej jakości pokryw biofiltrów dla klientów komunalnych. Osobą kontaktową w Austrii jest Claudia Kogler, nasz doświadczony kierownik sprzedaży. Osobą kontaktową w Niemczech jest Sven Betting. Zrównoważony rozwój jest najwyższym priorytetem w Europlast. Nasze pojemniki posiadają oznakowanie ekologiczne "Blue Angel" oraz znak jakości RAL-GZ 951/1. Ponad 33% naszych materiałów pochodzi z recyklingu. Od 1 stycznia 2019 r. produkcja w naszym zakładzie jest w 100% neutralna pod względem emisji CO2. Wspólnie dążymy do czystej i zrównoważonej przyszłości! Skontaktuj się z nami, aby uzyskać więcej informacji i odkryj nasze przyjazne dla środowiska rozwiązania!

Georg Schnaubelt (41) z Hermagor dołączy do zespołu zarządzającego wiodącej firmy z Doliny Drau na początku 2024 roku.
Schnaubelt, który ostatnio pracował jako dyrektor zarządzający w FREUND VICTORIA Gartengeräte GmbH w Niemczech, wraca do domu z tą ekscytującą nową rolą. Ekonomista biznesowy, który mieszka w Hermagor, rozpoczął swoją karierę jako menedżer ds. restrukturyzacji w jednej z najbardziej znanych niemieckich firm konsultingowych na rynku średnich przedsiębiorstw. Schnaubelt będzie zarządzał firmą wraz z założycielem firmy Helmuthem Kubinem (72 lata) i postawił sobie za cel kontynuowanie ścieżki zrównoważonego i rentownego wzrostu. Szczególny nacisk kładzie na doceniające przywództwo i pełne szacunku podejście do natury. Po kilku ostatnich latach wzrostu EUROPLAST był w stanie wygenerować obroty w wysokości prawie 50 milionów euro w 2023 roku. Ta dynamicznie rozwijająca się firma jest w całości własnością włoskiej grupy JCO Plastic. Dzięki kontraktowej produkcji wkładek do zbiorników wodoru, standardowa gama produktów firmy (plastikowe skrzynki i pojemniki do recyklingu) została niedawno rozszerzona, otwierając kolejny przyszłościowy obszar biznesowy.
Zdjęcie: Copyright EUROPLAST

Record Sales and Change at the Top
Once again, Europlast was able to conclude a successful business year. In 2022, the company achieved sales of € 48 million and currently employs 145 people at the Dellach site and 5 in Oradea, Romania. Towards the end of the year, the company was able to secure capacity utilisation until the end of February 2023 by winning a major contract for recyclable material collection containers. Once again, the company won the public tender for the supply of recyclable waste collection containers for the City of Vienna. In Romania, the company is one of the market leaders in the field of container suppliers. Despite uncertainties on the procurement markets, Europlast always remained capable of delivering and was able to secure the energy supply for the next few years in a cost-effective manner by taking action in advance. Since 2017, Dr Arthur Primus (50), who was born in Möllbrückn, kept developping the company as Managing Director on behalf of the Italian 100% owner, JCO Plastic Spa. Despite difficult conditions caused by the pandemic or the Ukraine war, numerous successes could be achieved. In addition to the Austrian Leading Companies 2021 award and the award for the greenest factory in Austria 2022, the company was certified as a family business by the Federal Ministry. At the end of March, Primus will leave the company at his own request to take up a position as COO in the management team at WILD Holding. “The journey with the Europlast team has been an exciting and in the end very successful one. Now it is time for me to take on an even bigger task, which I realised on my 50th birthday,” says Primus. WILD (contract manufacturer for optomechatronic systems with 500 employees at 4 locations) is known as a pearl in the Austrian corporate landscape with great owners (LIAG of the Liaunig family and the Dieter Feger Private Foundation) who foster and demand growth. In addition to the 2 Carinthian locations in Wernberg and Völkermarkt, the holding company also has locations in Trnava (Slovakia) and Vienna. Company Founder and long-term Managing Director Helmuth Kubin (72) will take over the management of Europlast until a successor has been found. “We are sorry to hear of Arthur Primus’ decision, but thank him for a successful cooperation in both personal and professional terms.”
Foto: Copyright EUROPLAST

€ 160,000 alternative energy subsidy for photovoltaic systems
At Europlast, circular economy and sustainability are key issues, which is why four photovoltaic systems have been used on the production halls for just over six months. With the help of the solar power generated in this way, more than 200 tonnes of CO2 have been saved so far. In return, Europlast received an alternative energy subsidy in the amount of € 160,000. The grant was presented by Provincial Governor Peter Kaiser, who was there on behalf of Energy and Climate Protection Provincial Councillor Sara Schaar. CEO Helmuth Kubin is planning a photovoltaic system on the east façade of the new production hall as the next step to continue on the path towards climate-friendly heat generation.
Photo: Copyright EUROPLAST

September 2022
"Austria's greenest factory comes from the Drautal"
On September 22, the award for the best factories in Austria was presented by the renowned Fraunhofer Institut and WEKA Industriemedien took place in Gmünd (Lower Austria). At the start: EUROPLAST Kunstoffbehälterindustrie Gmbh represented by Production Manager Gerhard Schwarzenbacher, Maintenance Manager Michael Pirker and Managing Director Arthur Primus.
Amidst great jubilation, the company received the award in the category "Green Factory" and thus the confirmation for the strategic way to act "in harmony with nature". Since 2019, Europlast has already been producing without a CO2 footprint, together with the high use of recycled materials, they save 11,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually. "I would like to thank every single employee for this achievement - our team approach is impressive" says GF Arthur PRIMUS.

March 2022
Europlast wins the award for the best Carinthian company in 2021!
Thanks to all who made this outstanding achievement possible.
Photo: Copyright EUROPLAST
"Article Die Presse - Sustainability important for Europlast"

November 2021
"Full speed ahead through the crisis!"
Thanks to our experienced employees and the great commitment of the entire team, we are pleased to report a record year in 2021. We are now intensively focusing on future technologies.
"Article Kleine Zeitung - At full throttle through the crisis"""

January 2021
„EUROPLAST certified as family friendly company“
work&live in a holiday region this is how one could describe the living environment in Upper Carinthia. Europlast, as an important employer in the region, works continuously to be conducive to this motto and to remain attractive as an employer.

październik 2019
Wiodący zakład z Górnej Karyntii - „Europlast” - rozbudowuje powierzchnię magazynową o 8000 m2 bezpośrednio w pobliżu B 100
Mieszcząca się w Drautal firma EUROPLAST, specjalizująca się w przetwórstwie tworzyw sztucznych, zainwestuje w bieżącym roku około 1 mln euro w rozbudowę lokalnego zakładu i obecnie ma maksymalną liczbę zatrudnionych pracowników.

maj 2019
Czołowe przedsiębiorstwa z Górnej Karyntii zachęcają do nauki w ojczyźnie
Od pomysłu do realizacji: uczniowie NMS Dellach w Drautal od czerwca 2018 roku mogą zobaczyć osobiście, jak powstaje produkt - od pomysłu po jego realizację - oraz dowiedzieć się, co oferują tutejsze zakłady.

grudzień 2017
Wzrost w 2018 roku celem EUROPLASTu
Specjalista od tworzyw sztucznych z Drautal po spadkach obrotu w dwóch ostatnich latach planuje ponownie wzrost w 2018 roku.

Wrzesień 2017
Zmiana kierownictwa i jubileusz firmy Europlast
Po ponad 20 latach skutecznego kierowania i współtworzenia przedsiębiorstwa wieloletni prezes oraz współzałożyciel firmy Europlast Kunststoffbehälterindustrie GmbH, Helmuth Kubin, przechodzi do nowo utworzonej rady ekonomicznej w koncernie. …