Plastic offers many advantages as a material: long service life, high strength with low weight, and recyclability. EUROPLAST is a recognised specialist in the mass production of plastic components and has injection moulding machines with a clamping force of up to 4,500 tonnes that enable the production of plastic parts in above-average dimensions. Our experts develop and produce the necessary moulds for our customers via our partner network and provide advice on selecting the right plastic for the respective application. Cost-optimised production on our systems ultimately delivers products that meet your exact requirements.

La nostra competenza, il vostro successo
The high level of investment required in large injection moulding systems poses a major challenge for many companies. We provide our technical production expertise and our systems to manufacture your components and products. Take advantage of our excellent supply chain and the corresponding purchasing conditions for plastics! We optimise the production of your parts by continuously improving cycle times and can even set up a storage facility for your finished products on request.
Ogni giorno conta
Our speed and flexibility, which are unique in the industry, provide you with a decisive advantage. A perfectly coordinated team, short distances and response times as well as maximum precision in development and implementation guarantee the cost- and time-optimised manufacture of your products.

Customised solutions
We support you in the realisation of your individual ideas, from the design and construction phase, material selection, production of the first prototypes, all the way to the complete product and production concept.
Le offriamo completa assistenza nella realizzazione e nello sviluppo
- Vasta competenza tecnica – grazie all’esperienza ultraventennale in diversi ambiti di applicazione.
- Potenti risorse, macchinari all’avanguardia
- Esclusiva rapidità, sofisticata logistica – un team affiatato, brevi distanze e brevi tempi di risposta, quanto altissima precisione.

- Assistenza dalla concezione fino alla realizzazione – pianificazione proattiva già durante la fase concettuale.
- Prototipizzazione – produzione rapida ed economica di modelli concettuali, prototipi di design e prototipi funzionali.
- Soluzioni individuali – grazie all’alta conoscenza dei materiali, dei prodotti e alla competenza tecnica, così come all’esperienza nei diversi settori.
Dettagli tecnici
Fields of Expertise
- Injection moulded parts from 3 g to 54 kg (108 kg)
- 2-component parts up to 18 kg
- Sandwich injection moulding
- Coinjection
- Specialist for polyolefine processing
- Patent research
- Product development
- Tool procurement and design
- Component design and optimisation
- Finite element & mould flow simulation
- Prototyping
- Antimicrobial materials
- Metal detectability
- In-mould labelling
- Insert technology
- Laser printing
- Foaming
- International network
- Gas injection technology
Technical Equipment
- 15 injection moulding machines from 200 to 4500 tonnes clamping force at the Austrian site
- 2-component injection moulding machines
- with up to 2700 tonnes clamping force
- Melt labelling-multi-colour printing
- Hot stamping machines
- Articulated robots
- Recycling facility
- Assembly lines
- Heat recovery
- Sister companies in several European countries
- Climate regulation
- Robotic milling
- Test streets
- In-line milling cutters

Analisi delle deformità

Analisi FEM (a elementi finiti)